Join Us

We have a vision for a City Region which appreciates the best of its local cultural identity, heritage buildings and areas, and its green and open spaces, but which does not live in the past and looks forward to helping make a better future. If you share our vision please join us! MCS welcomes individual, community and corporate members.

We currently operate a ‘donate what you can afford’ membership scheme. Please remember we depend on the generosity of annual donations from members to keep the Society running. Members get to hear about and book for our outstanding programme of talks and events first, are able to vote in our general meetings and, most importantly, can contribute to the sustainable and just development of Liverpool City Region for future generations through their supportive participation and active involvement.

Please donate whatever you feel is appropriate. Although other amounts are welcome, the following annual donation levels are suggested: £10 per person (unwaged), £20 per person (waged) , £20 per Community Group.

A Gift Aid declaration allows MCS as a registered charity (No. 221700), to claim tax back on eligible donations. If you are an UK Income Tax Payer, for every £1 you donate to us we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.. This means your gifts go further. Please tick the Gift Aid box on the membership form or download and return a Gift Aid Declaration Form.

How to Pay

  1. Pay by Online Banking:   This is our preferred method of payment as we don’t incur fees. It really helps keep our administration costs to a minimum if you set up a regular annual payment/Standing Order (which you can cancel at any time) and is really easy to do.   Bank Details: NAME Merseyside Civic Society, SORT CODE 20-51-43, ACCOUNT NO.  30599255 REFERENCE: Your Name
  2. Pay by Cheque: Payable to ‘Merseyside Civic Society’ and sent to MCS Treasurer, 14A, Princes Park Mansions, Croxteth Road, Liverpool L8 3SA
  3. Pay by Pay Pal:
  4. Alternative Methods of Payment – please contact


To become an Individual Member simply fill in the short form below, or email