
Merseyside Civic Society is funded by its members. As a charitable organisation run wholly by volunteers, we depend upon regular annual donations to pay for events and services. Please help us to campaign for a more liveable City Region by making a donation. Please donate whatever you feel is appropriate. Although other amounts are welcome, as a guide the following annual donation levels are suggested: £10 per person (unwaged), £20 per person (waged), £20 per Community Group

Gift Aid

A Gift Aid declaration allows us to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to us we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you. This means your gifts go further. Download our Gift Aid declaration

How To Pay

BACS/Direct Credit
To: NAME: Merseyside Civic Society BANK: Barclays Bank, 48B-50 Lord Street, Liverpool L1 1TD SORT CODE: 20-51-43 ACCOUNT NO: 30599255 REFERENCE: Your name

This is our preferred method of payment as we do not incur fees and our administration costs are therefore kept to a minimum. Please set up a Standing Order to ensure subsequent regular annual donations. Alternatively, download our Standing Order Form, print out, complete and send to your bank. Contact our treasurer on for a print version of the form.

Payable to ‘Merseyside Civic Society’ and sent to: MCS Treasurer, 14A Princes Park Mansions, Croxteth Road, Liverpool L8 3SA

Pay by Pay Pal

£10 per year – individual (unwaged)

£20 per year – individual (waged)

£20 per year – organisation

Any queries please contact