Community Group Membership
MCS welcomes members from community groups, local societies, charities and specialist interest associations from across the City Region – Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton and Wirral. If you share our vision for a City Region which appreciates the best of its local cultural identity, heritage buildings and areas, and its green and open spaces, but which does not live in the past and looks forward to helping make a better future, please join us!
Your Group will not only join MCS, but also be joining a wider network of interests together with our existing Community members. These include local and wider-area based conservation area societies and residents’ associations, friends of local parks, heritage interpretation volunteers and blue and green badge guides. A full list of MCS Community Group Members (and, where available, links to their websites or social channels) can be found here.
Your members will get to hear about our outstanding programme of talks and events and most importantly, can contribute to the sustainable and just development of Liverpool City Region for future generations through their supportive participation and active involvement in MCS campaigns, policy studies and working groups. Your Group will also be able help formulate MCS policies and priorities through contributing comments and proposals, and, through your Contact, participate in elections by attending and exercising a right to vote in our general meetings.
To become an MCS Community Group Member simply fill in the short form below. MCS will send newsletters, announcements of events, campaigns and calls for comments for policy statements by email to the person named as your Group’s MCS Contact. As MCS Contact you are asked to circulate these communications to your committee and members as you feel appropriate. MCS welcomes hearing from you about your Group’s concerns, issues, campaigns and proposals. Please send these to the MCS Community Group Coordinator, Steven Garnett We also welcome receiving your E-newsletters for circulation to the MCS Council and our Members.
We depend on the generosity of annual donations from members to keep the Society running. By way of expressing your support, please donate whatever your Group feels is appropriate. As a guide, we suggest Community Groups make an annual donation of £20. We appreciate that many community groups so not charge a membership fee and therefore lack the means to donate. You are still welcome to join Merseyside Civic Society and will receive the benefits outlined above. Please understand however that, at times, our donating members receive information about our most popular events first.
Several alternative payment methods are available:
(a) by BACS/Direct Credit to: NAME: Merseyside Civic Society BANK: Barclays Bank, 48B-50 Lord Street, Liverpool L1 1TD SORT CODE: 20-51-43 ACCOUNT NO: 30599255
(as we don’t incur fees this really helps keep our administration costs to a minimum)
(b) by cheque payable to ‘Merseyside Civic Society’ and sent to: MCS Treasurer, 14A, Princes Park Mansions, Croxteth Road, Liverpool L8 3SA
(c) PayPal via the donate page.
Should you require an invoice or would like to pay by Standing Order please contact the MCS Hon. Treasurer with your request – Whichever remittance method you choose, please let us know if there are any changes to your contact details by email to: